Quick, Effective, Stress Management & Relaxation Techniques
workshop series
Golden Temple Meditations (GTM) and Dr. Sonya M. Kelly presents this 12-week Workshop Series beginning January 16th, 2025 on Zoom.
The workshop is divided into 3 main sections. The 1st month will focus on brief Mantra Meditations that help reduce stress and improve mental focus. Month 2 will introduce you to simple lifestyle changes that reduce stress. The 3rd month will focus on how to add joy in living. For more information click on the link below.
When people think about stress management, they either feel guilty for not doing it or engage in an epic, elaborate event. Epic events can be fun and on occasion necessary. But these are time-consuming and often expensive. There are quite a few short, economical, fast, and easy activities you can add to your daily or several times per week routine that can reduce your stress and add enjoyment to your life. This 12-week workshop series will teach you these activities and you might find out you have been doing some things right​​
Mantra Meditations
Mantras & Mandalas:
3 Minutes to Enter Bliss
Golden Temple Meditations (GTM) launched its second literary/audio offering into the marketplace for seekers of better living through meditation and long-term lifestyle enhancements. The eBook and the Audio Recording, both easily available to download from Amazon, iTunes, and other platforms is a guide to Mantra Meditation. Sonya M. Kelly, PhD's, purpose in writing/recording this manuscript/audiobook is to offer powerful tools of spiritual growth and healing to a new generation of Western people, perhaps some who have never heard of them before. This audio recording is also designed for those who may have heard of Sanskrit Mantras and “OM,” but don’t know of their origin or how to use them. This is an introduction to a very dense and intricate subject matter. Essentially, it’s like dipping your toe into a pool, wading in, and learning to dog paddle. Dr. Kelly will be using the opening Mantra, “OM HREEM SHREEM KLEEM MAHA LAKSHMI NAMAHA,” to demonstrate several aspects of Mantra use throughout this recording. To simplify the teaching process, the only background music to be used is part of the opening Mantra. This will make it easier to hear, understand, and learn each Mantra.
1 Go to http://www.audible.com/lib
2. Find the title that contains the PDF ( Mantras & Mandalas).
3. Click the "View PDF" link located below the "Download" button on the right side of the screen, under “Other Actions”.
Meditation Aids and More
Golden Temple Meditations (GTM) launched its second wave of offerings into the marketplace for lifestyle enhancements by engaging the four (4) elements (Water, Earth/Mineral, Air, and Fire). Native Americans and other indigenous cultures have long known that using the Earth's elements in our meditative ceremonies helps support our physical bodies while engaging in metaphysical practices such as chanting Mantras during meditation.
Writing down our goals is a way of clarifying our intention for a specific meditation session as well as for our lives in general.
Drinking hot beverages such as herb teas and organic coffee from mugs clears our sinuses and makes it easier to chant Mantras out loud.
Wall Art can help us remember to meditate and chant.
Fine Art American has a number of items available in addition to the ones named above. Most of these items are made from Earth elements including paper which is made from wood; ceramic and glass which is made from superheated sand; cloth which is made from cotton, bamboo, and wool; metal items which are minerals; etc.
You can explore Golden Temple Meditations' offerings on Fine Art American and personalize the size, shape, and/or color to fit your decor and style.
Water Bottle
Golden Temple Meditations (GTM) launched its first offering into the marketplace for lifestyle enhancements by engaging the four (4) elements (Water, Earth/Mineral, Air, and Fire). Native Americans and other indigenous cultures have long known that our physical bodies are made from the four elements. Modern Medical science acknowledges that our bodies should be about 60% water for optimal health. This water needs to be replenished at regular intervals throughout the day, including when one is meditating.
Being dehydrated can be a distraction and create concentration issues during meditation as well as in other activities of daily living.
Thus Golden Temple Meditations is featuring this lovely Burgundy Stainless Steel Water Bottle to help you engage the elements and enhance your health. This Sport bottle features include being:
Great for use both indoors and outdoors
use with cold beverages only
easily fits into most car cup-holders
easily fits into your hand
has a wide-neck design for easy filling
is dishwasher safe, but hand washing is recommended to preserve the finish
Meditative Visualizations
How 2 Minutes A Day Can Change Your LifE
Golden Temple Meditations (GTM) launched its first offering into the marketplace for seekers of better living through meditation and long-term lifestyle enhancements. The eBook and the Audio Recording, both easily available to download from Amazon and iTunes, are not just another guided meditation. This stand-alone and compact collection of tools and techniques for meditation includes:
Beginners Introduction to the world of meditation
Basic breathing and grounding techniques used in many Meditative and Relaxation Practices
A stand-alone "Two Minute Breath Meditation" guided visualization
Four Additional Meditative Visualizations for Self-Paced development of your meditation practice
Gently but strongly held meditative field for self-healing and empowerment through
consciously building resilience in our ever-changing world
learning self-acceptance through paying attention to yourself
enhancing your discernment skills by trusting your inner best self
much more...
1 Go to http://www.audible.com/lib
2. Find the title that contains the PDF ( MEDITATIVE VISUALIZATION).
3. Click the "View PDF" link located below the "Download" button on the right side of the screen, under “Other Actions”.