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What is Meditation?

Writer's picture: Sonya KellySonya Kelly

Hi Folks, there are several forms of meditation and under each form there are many variations. The three common threads that run through almost all meditative techniques are. 1) To quiet the mind which allows space to hear the still, quiet, loving, gentle suggestive voice of the Divine; 2) “Being in the now;” Most of what we worry about is in the future or in the past. Because of “OTHER TIME” focus, we rarely appreciate the joys and blessing of this day, this moment. Meditative practice involves experiencing each moment and then letting it go to experience the next present moment. And then letting that moment go; and so on. 3)  Meditation is engaged in to create a state of deep relaxation-With practice one can enter a state that is neither sleep or an average waking state. This state promotes activity in the areas of the brain that are associated with happiness and positive thought. With regular meditation, these certain areas of the brain show prolong positive changes.  

The basic forms of meditation include: 1) Silent meditation which may focus on counting your breaths or repeating a word silently; 2) Repeating a word or phrase out loud. This word is known as a Mantra such as Om, Amen or Allah; 3) Gazing at an object such as a candle, Yantra or Mandala; 4) Moving meditation such as some forms of yoga, Tai Chi or walking a Catholic Labyrinth while holding a rosary and saying prayers and 5) Guided Visualization.

For more information on Meditation, purchase my audiobooks and eBooks from my AMAZON PAGE or my VLOG on Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques.

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Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more.

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